A rebel and visionary of a different kind, David Lazzarerti was a strange figure who gathered a large following and much renown in the second half of the nineteenth century. One of six sons of a poor barrocciaio or carter from Arcidosso on the Amiata, he was much admired for his strength and his inventive but blasphemous language --until he had a holy vision that convinced him he was a descendant of the French kings, with a direct line to God. After spending some years in France, where he wrote many of his religious and inflammatory tracts (he preached equality among men and entertained politically subversive ideas), he returned to his mountain. Here he collected more than two thousand followers, completely fascinated by his charisma, who built for their profeta a church, a tower and a hermitage. He was shot down ten years later. in 1878, while leading a great procession from his mountain hermitage in the name of God and social equality, by the carabinieri of Arcidosso. [2]
He is buried in the cemetery of Santa Fiora in a family grave.
Centro studi David Lazzaretti, Arcidosso
Davide Lazzaretti on top of Monte Labbro (1)
The Centro studi David Lazzaretti in Arcidosso [4]
The Centro studi David Lazzaretti is housed in the Rocca Aldobrandeschi in Arcidosso. The study center documents the story of David Lazzaretti, the 'Prophet of the Amiata', through paintings, objects and photographic material.
In the years immediately following the association of Italy, David Lazzaretti was founder of the Giurisdavidica community. The places, the persuasiveness, the experiences that characterized the religious and social life of the community, are presented in a broad framework that consists of iconographic material, clothing and banners. The museum has been housed in the Aldobrandesco castle since 2008.
The richness of the material produced by Lazzaretti and the lazzarettista movement satisfies a multitude of interests, both historical-artistic, archival, anthropological and ecological. Particularly noteworthy are some of Lazzaretti's garments and various objects from the Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin. The letter in which Don Giovanni Bosco defends Lazzaretti is also a beautiful piece.
Centro Studi David Lazzaretti | www.centrostudilazzaretti.it

David Lazzaretti, il Messia dell’Amiata - Cimeli e documenti
Castello aldobrandesco, Arcidosso
31 luglio 2017 - 31 agosto 2018
Meer informatie: Pro loco Arcidosso: 0564 968084 | www.prolocoarcidosso.it
The attack.
The life of Lazzaretti ended tragically on August 18, 1878. A procession was organized from Monte Labbro to Arcidosso in which more than 3,000 people took part, but when they entered the city, they suddenly came face to face with a screen of carabinieri. In a moment of special tension they opened fire. Lazzaretti and three farmers died on the scene. According to Gramsci, it was a deliberate attack. Lazzaretti was unarmed, just like the farmers.
A small monument still reminds of this attack.
Placca Davide Lazzaretti
Davide Lazzaretti [4]
Targa sulla casa di Lazzaretti ad Arcidosso
Davide Lazzaretti |

Photogallery Monte Amiata and Monte Labbro
Monte Labbro
Arcidosso, Monte Labbro, Panorama |
Monte Labbro, Eremo Lazzaretti |

Remains of the ruin of the tower Torre Giurisdavidica, on top of Monte Labbro |
Torre Giurisdavidica, on the top of Monte Labbro
Torre Giurisdavidica, Monte Labbro |
Trekking on Monte Amiata | Sentieri per scoprire le meraviglie del Monte Amiata
Da Roccalbegna a Monte Labbro | 14,52 km | gpx
Arcidosso - Monte Labbro | 10 km | 2 hours | Download gpx
Arcidosso - Monte Labbro - Roccalbegna | 17,83 km | 3,5 hours | Download gpx
Anello Parco Faunistico - Monte Labbro | 5,57 km | 1 hour | Download gpx
Anello Monticello Amiata - Monte Labbro | 30.41 km | round trip | 6h 4m | Download gpx
Dal parco faunistico del Monte Amiata alla cima del Monte Labbro [LUNGHEZZA: circa 6,5 Km. DURATA: 3 ore circa]
Torre Giurisdavidica, Monte Labbro |
Arcidosso, Torre Giurisdavidica, Monte Labbro |
Monte Labbro, near the tower Torre Giurisdavidica, on top of Monte Labbro

Itinerari e idee per visitare la Toscana | Case vacanza in Toscana | Podere Santa Pia
Podere Santa Pia |
Colline sotto Podere Santa Pia

Cicloturismo nella Maremma in Toscana | 19. I tre passi - 30.7 km
20. Verso le sorgenti dell’Albegna - 37.8 km

Franco Pitocco, «LAZZARETTI (Lazzeretti), David», in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, Volume 64, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2005

[1] Photo collection Simone Cristicchi.
[2] Fonte: Monte Labbro - Torre Giurisdavidica - L’eremo di David Lazzaretti |www.luoghimisteriosi.it
[3] Davide Lazzaretti, Visioni e profezie, Lanciano, R. Carabba, 1913.
[4] Photo Centro Studi David Lazzaretti - Arcidosso.