Radicofani, panorama |
Radicofani e la Val d'Orcia
Val d'Orcia album
Radicofani - Veduta dalla rocca |
Radicofani - Veduta dalla rocca
Contignano, vista del paese e della Val d'Orcia imbiancata |
Radicofani - Crete Senesi, veduta dalla Rocca di Radicofani
Radicofani - Chiesa di San Pietro |
Radicofani - Chiesa di San Pietro |
Radicofani, Pieve di San Pietro veduta dalla Rocca
Radicofani, mastio della Rocca |
Radicofani, entrata e mastio della Rocca |
Radicofani, Fortezza
Porta della Fortezza |
The castle at sunset - the tower | Il Mastio della Fortezza di Radicofani |
Contignano (Radicofani): vista del paese e della Val d'Orcia
Contignano (Radicofani), piazza |
Contignano (Radicofani), Chiesa Santa Maria Assunta |
Radicofani, Fontana Medicea |
Radicofani, Palazzo della Posta
Katharine Hooker, Byways in southern Tuscany, 1919 (1910s)
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now it has become a fairy tale told to children.Thus it runs: When, in 1316, Louis X of France died at the age oftwenty-six, leaving a young wife and a little daughterJeanne, his brother Philip became regent, as the queenwas expecting another child, and until it could be knownwhether she would bear a son the succession could not beestablished. Now Philip had an ambitious mother-in-law, theCountess of Bourgogne, a woman greedy of power, whoardently desired that the looked-for child might be adaughter, for in that case her son-in-law would becomeking and she herself might contrive to have a share in thegovernment. Great was her disappointment, therefore,when five months later the queen gave birth to a boy.According to the custom of the time, the infant was giveninto the care of those barons of the realm highest inrank, one of whose duties it was to choose as nurse to theroyal child the person best fitted for that office. Hearingthat a young Parisian of noble family had just borne a 134
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oi BYWAYS IN SOUTHERN TUSCANY child, and finding her position and circumstances suitablethey entrusted the little prince to her. It was a sorrowful foster-mother who accepted thischarge, for Maria de Charti was mourning for her younghusband from whom she had been forcibly separated.This husband was a Sienese youth of the Tolomei family,by name Guccio di Baglione, who had come to Paris tolook after the mercantile affairs of his uncle, and thebrothers of Maria becoming friendly to him he spentmuch time at their palazzo, and frequently went huntingwith them. It was not long before he fell in love with thebeautiful daughter of the house, and without confiding inher parents or brothers they were secretly married, andthus lived until Marias condition made it necessary forthem to confess. A storm followed, neither parents norbrothers would tolerate an alliance so far beneath the rankof their family, for although Guccio belonged to one of thenoble lines of Siena he had disqualified himself by


Katharine Hooker, Byways in southern Tuscany, 1919 (1910s)
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Katharine Hooker : a memoir by Samuel Marshall Ilsley

[1] Questa immagine è stata prelevata dal sito web The Commons di Flickr.
Source book page: https://archive.org/stream/bywaysinsouthern00hook/bywaysinsouthern00hook#page/n204/mode/1up
Cinigiano. Tuscany is celebrated for its beauty and its magnificent light. This is a view on the valley below Podere Santa Pia, characterized by all the elementts of the Tuscany landscape: vineyards, pastures, wheat fields and olive groves. #travelingintuscany#poderesantapia |