Galleria fotografica Montefollonico
Montefollonico, Porta Nuova |
Montefollonico, Porta Del Triano
Montefollonico, Porta del Triano |
Montefollonico, Porta Nuova
Chiesa del Triano, Montefollonico
Campanile Chiesa del Triano, Montefollonico |

Capella Sant'Anna (which seems to be similar to the Chiesa del Triano)
Chiesa della Compagnia del Corpus Domini, Montefollonico
Montefollonico, Porta Del Triano
Montefollonico, San Leonardo, fasciata |
Montefollonico, Oratorio di Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
Montefollonico, San Leonardo, fianco |
Palazzo Giustizia, Montefollonico
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Vista da sud-est
Basamento della torre campanaria |
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria (Montefollonico, Torrita di Siena) |
Archeggiature di valico sostenute da pilastri quadrilateri
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Arco del portale che si apre sul muro perimetrale. |
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Particolare della cornice di uno dei pilastri quadrilateri delle archeggiature di valico. |
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Particolare del portale che si apre sul muro perimetrale (visto dall'interno).
Particolare della cornice di uno dei pilastri quadrilateri delle archeggiature di valico. |
Parco Il Tondo Montefollonico
[1] Katharine Hooker, Byways in southern Tuscany, 1919 (1910s)
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of the absentpriest underwent a most unseemly rummaging on myaccount by an assiduous peasant who in spite of remon-strance insisted on obliging me by a search for concealedcanvases. He did produce from certain crannies andcupboards one or two small pictures which had the meritof apparent antiquity but no other. Strangers seldom call at Montefollonico, yet their ap-pearance evokes no ill-mannered curiosity; on the con-trary, a pleasant friendliness, and the air of the place isthat of a pastoral people accidentally lodged in the sceneof a martial past whose resounding echoes died centuriesago. It is hard to convey the charm of it, but it is thereto reward the wanderer who cares for its beauty and itsmemories. From Montefollonico it is not far to Montisi, lying In agarden-like nest among the hilltops, surrounded by silveryoHves here and there broken by the dark column of acypress. Montisi may be small but it is entered betweenbig, dignified buildings, a pillared loggia on the left,
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BYWAYS IN SOUTHERN TUSCANY stately entrance to the castle court on the right, with aglimpse of an arched facade, and, still farther, a high butmuch restored tower. Beyond these it climbs a littlehill and has its own view of all the loveliness of the sur-rounding mountains and valleys. Like the other towns among these hills it has its rootsin a profound antiquity, for all this ground is sown withrelics of ancient Etruria. In later times it belonged, aswe have said, to that branch of the fierce Berardengastock that bore such warlike names as Cacciaconti, Caccia-guerra, Spadalonga, Spadacorta, etc. These families virtually ruled supreme in their variouscastles in different parts of the neighboring hills, holdingthat they owed allegiance to no man save the distant em-peror, while Siena, still a bishopric, was striving towardliberty and the communal form of government, and claim-ing authority over the territory they occupied. Thisclaim the Cacciaconti, who had encastled her borders,vigorou

Katharine Hooker, Byways in southern Tuscany, 1919 (1910s)
View All Images: All Images From Book
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Katharine Hooker : a memoir by Samuel Marshall Ilsley

[1] Photo by Internet Archive Book Images - https://www.flickr.com/photos/internetarchivebookimages/14783250042/ Source book page: https://archive.org/stream/bywaysinsouthern00hook/bywaysinsouthern00hook#page/n330/mode/1up, No restrictions, Link

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The spectacular panoramic scenery in Podere Santa Pia is a daily pleasure, with views that stretch all the way to the Mediterranean sea and the islands of Montecristo and Corsica.
Traveling in Tuscany | Podere Santa Pia
Podere Santa Pia |
Podere Santa Pia, Garten |
Hills under Podere Santa Pia
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