Construction of the present church was begun before 1118, a date which is inscribed on the altar step and on a column to the left of it. Parts of the earlier structure remain visible in the crypt and in the so-called Cappella Carolingia, or Carolingian chapel.[3]
This was the period of greatest power of the abbey, which had authority over 38 churches, from Pisa to Grosseto, and control of about 1000 mansi, or farm estates, throughout Tuscany.[2][3] The most important possession of the abbey was the castle of Montalcino, which was the residence of the abbot.

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Abbazia di Sant'Antimo in una vecchia foto d'epoca
L'Abbazia di Sant'Antimo |
La navata centrale vista dal matroneo
L'Abbazia di Sant'Antimo, il crocifisso dell'altare maggiore
L'Abbazia di Sant'Antimo, l'abside della chiesa originaria |
La facciata della Cappella Carolingia (a sinistra) |

Traveling in Tuscany| Holiday homes in southern Tuscany | Podere Santa Pia

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Some beautiful walks are situated in the immediate vicinity of the abbey. An easy walk runs from Montalcino to the Abbey of Sant'Antimo.
The Abbey of Sant'Antimo is located about 10 kilometers south of Montalcino.
You can also drive to Sant'Antimo by car or bus and opt for the circular walk that leaves the abbey.
Anello Abbey of Sant'Antimo | 7,53 km
Walking from Montalcino to Sant'Antimo | 10,92 km
You walk through the Brunello vineyards and past some world famous wineries, past the small pieve of Villa a Tolli, to the valley where the Abbazia, flanked by an old cypress, stands at the foot of Castenuova del'Abate.
Anello Montalcino - Abbey of Sant'Antimo | 24,07 km
Walking around Montalcino through the famous Brunello vineyards | 8,61 km
Giro del Brunello, sentiero nei bellissimi vigneti di Brunello di Montalcino | 40,5 km (mbt and walk)

[1] Photo by Luca Aless, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.
[2] Flynn Warmington (1999) "the Ceremony of the Armed Man: the Sword, the Altar and the L'Homme ArméMass", in Paula Higgins (ed.), Antoine Busnoys: Method, Meaning and Context in Late Medieval Music Oxford: ClarendonPress, ISBN 0-19-816406-8, pp. 89–130.
[3] Abbazia di Sant'Antimo: storia e arte (in Italian) Accessed April 2013.
#travelingintuscany#poderesantapia Abbazia di Sant'Antimo. Il cipresso sembra accarezzare il campanile…
Il Cipresso è il simbolo dell'immortalità come emblema della vita eterna dopo la morte, infatti lo si trova sovente nei pressi dei cimiteri. |